All publications

Gate-Defined Quantum Confinement in CVD 2D Tungsten Disulfide
Chit Siong Lau, Jing Yee Chee, Liemao Cao, Zi-En Ooi, Shi Wun Tong, Michel Bosman, Fabio Bussolotti, Tianqi Deng, Gang Wu, Shuo-Wang Yang, Tong Wang, Siew Lang Teo, Calvin Pei Yu Wong, Jian Wei Chai, Li Chen, Zhong Ming Zhang, Kah-Wee Ang, Yee Sin Ang, Kuan Eng Johnson Goh, 'Gate-Defined Quantum Confinement in CVD WS2', Advanced Materials, 2103907 (2021).

Deep learning-enabled prediction of 2D material breakdown
Yan Qi Huan, Yincheng Liu, Kuan Eng Johnson Goh, Swee Liang Wong, Chit Siong Lau, “Deep learning-enabled prediction of 2D material breakdown”, Nanotechnology 32, 265203 (2021).

A first-principles study on strain engineering of monolayer stanene for enhanced catalysis of carbon dioxide reduction
Jing Yang, Kuan Eng Johnson Goh, Zhi Gen Yu, Rui En Wong, and Yong-Wei Zhang, “A first-principles study on strain engineering of monolayer stanene for enhanced catalysis of CO2 reduction”, Chemosphere 268, 129317 (2021).

Impact of S-Vacancies on the Charge Injection Barrier at the Electrical Contact with the Molybdenum Disulfide Monolayer
Fabio Bussolotti, Jing Yang, Hiroyo Kawai, Calvin Pei Yu Wong, and Kuan Eng Johnson Goh, “Impact of S-Vacancies on the Charge Injection Barrier at the Electrical Contact with the MoS2 Monolayer”, ACS Nano 15, 2686 (2021).

Influence of many-body effects on hole quasiparticle dynamics in a Tungsten Di-sulfide monolayer
Fabio Bussolotti, Jing Yang, Hiroyo Kawai, Jing Yee Chee, and Kuan Eng Johnson Goh, “Influence of many-body effects on hole quasiparticle dynamics in a WS2 monolayer”, Phys, Rev. B 103, 045412 (2021).