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Research & Initiatives

Our group focuses on advanced materials and devices for a prospective universal quantum computer. The key research areas and capabilities are introduced below.

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Quantum Materials

with exotic properties

Advanced materials such as Transition Metal Dichalcogenides (TMDCs) exhibit novel properties interesting for hosting robust qubits. However, building quantum devices on such materials faces the challenges of low material and interface quality, and the lack of a robust contacting strategy.


At QMD, we seek novel engineering solutions to address these challenges and create robust solid state quantum devices.





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of quantum devices

Studying quantum transport requires systems with physical sizes down to nanometres. To create devices at these extreme length scales, our group has pioneered and developed various material processing and device fabrication techniques.



At QMD, we are fully equipped with state-of-the-art nanofabrication tools such as lithography, deposition and plasma etching housed in class-100 cleanrooms.



Material Characterization


Angle Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy (ARPES) is a powerful tool for studying the electronic properties of materials. It allows us to directly visualize their band structure, which is useful in determining their optical and electrical responses.


Here at QMD, we are equipped with a cutting edge spin-resolved ARPES (SARPES) system, which enables us to chart little known territories, such as the preservation of spin-valley coupling and their influence on device properties.


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Low Temperature

of quantum materials

Heat can be devastating to the stability and coherence of quantum states.  To minimize disturbance to quantum systems, we cool our systems down to ultra-low temperatures. 


Our labs at QMD house two custom-built state-of-the-art dilution refrigerators capable of cooling our devices down to temperatures as low as 10 mK. With advanced vibration damping, low-noise electronics, and 3D vector superconducting magnets, we can measure and investigate exotic quantum behaviour.








Growth and Processing

of quantum materials

To fully exploit the potential of quantum materials for applications, we explore various scalable synthesis approaches and strategies to obtain materials of the highest quality. Apart from mechanical exfoliation, we are refining our expertise in Chemical Vapour Deposition (CVD) to grow large TMDC flakes of good quality.


We perform microscopy and Raman spectroscopy for preliminary assessment of flake size and coverage. Our in-house Photoluminescence (PL) facility with linearly or circularly polarized light allows us to identify TMDC-specific band structure fingerprints in a non-invasive manner with minimal damage to the material.




Scanning Probe

of quantum materials

Our group is well-equipped with a low-temperature scanning tunneling microscope (LT-STM) and a 4-probe STM (nanoprobe) to study material surfaces, defects at the atomic scale and nanoscale surface transport.


Our scanning tunneling microscopes have additional features like an ultrahigh vacuum transfer suitcase to allow sample transfer across systems such as ARPES and XPS without breaking vacuum, ensuring a clean environment for analysis.









Future Outlook

Novel quantum materials boast a flurry of interesting properties that make them suitable for hosting and manipulating qubits.


Through innovations in material growth and processing, scalable device manufacturing and architecture, and advance characterization techniques, we aim to pave the way towards a solid-state quantum computer.  

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