Our team is helping to organize the Symposium on Materials for Quantum Information & Computing, Science and Engineering (Symposium X) (see details below).
Join us at ICMAT 2023 to hear from the international quantum experts and also talk to our team members in person!

The Symposium on Materials for Quantum Information & Computing, Science and Engineering (Symposium X) that will be held in Singapore, 26th to 30th of June 2023 (as a part of the 11th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies, ICMAT).
The Symposium covers a broad spectrum of topics, mainly materials development and challenges for:
Solid-state quantum computing;
Topological quantum computing;
Optical/Photonics quantum computing and communications;
Hybrid-interface technologies for quantum information;
Quantum sensing and metrology applications.
The list of invited speakers includes distinguished experts in the field, including David Awschalom (U. Chicago, Keynote), Klaus Ensslin (ETH Zurich, Keynote), Leo Kouwenhoven (TU Delft, Plenary), Guido Burkard (U. Constanz), Ali Yazdani (Princeton), Paul Koenraad (TU Eindhoven), and many others. (Full list is at the end of the post.)
The abstract submission is open until the 24th of January. Your participation is highly encouraged! Click here to submit your abstract!
I would greatly appreciate it if you can share this information with your colleagues who might be interested.
Full list of invited speakers:

Kuan Eng Johnson Goh
Institute of Materials Research & Engineering, A*STAR, Singapore
Email: gohj@imre.a-star.edu.sg